Introduction: What is Intermittent Fasting, and How Does Juice Fit In?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a structured approach to eating that cycles between periods of eating and fasting. It has gained immense popularity for its potential benefits, including weight management, improved digestion, and metabolic health. Traditional intermittent fasting methods often involve consuming one low-calorie meal on fasting days, but an alternative approach is intermittent fasting with juice—drinking fresh vegetable juices instead of a solid meal.
This guide explores how incorporating juice into intermittent fasting can provide essential nutrients while still supporting fasting goals. We’ll cover the benefits, best juices to drink, how to structure your fasting days, and frequently asked questions.
How Intermittent Fasting with Juice Works
Instead of consuming a 500-600 kcal solid meal during fasting periods, intermittent fasting with juice involves drinking cold-pressed vegetable juices to maintain energy levels while keeping calories low. The idea is to provide hydration, essential vitamins, and minerals without breaking the benefits of fasting.
How it works:
Choose fresh, cold-pressed vegetable juices with minimal fruit (to avoid excess sugar).
Consume nutrient rich cold pressed fruit and vegetable juices (250-330ml each) on fasting days, totalling 500-600 kcal.
Continue drinking water, herbal teas, and black coffee to stay hydrated.
Eat normally on non-fasting days while maintaining a balanced diet.
This method makes fasting more sustainable while still allowing for nutrient intake and digestive rest.
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting with Juice
Drinking juice during intermittent fasting provides several advantages over a standard fasting meal:
Nutrient Intake Without Overloading Digestion – Fresh juices provide essential vitamins and minerals while being easy on the digestive system.
Hydration Boost – Many fasting individuals struggle with dehydration. Vegetable juices contain high water content, helping maintain optimal hydration levels.
Gentle on Digestion – Unlike solid meals, juice allows the digestive system to rest while still providing essential nutrients.
Supports Energy Levels – Low-calorie vegetable juices prevent fatigue and help sustain mental clarity.
Alkalising and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits – Certain juices, like celery and cucumber, have anti-inflammatory and alkalising properties, supporting overall well-being.
Best Juices for Intermittent Fasting
Not all juices are suitable for fasting. Focus on low-calorie, nutrient-dense vegetable juices with minimal fruit.
Top choices:
Ginger – Anti-inflammatory, supports digestion, and boosts metabolism.
Celery – Hydrating, alkalizing, and promotes gut health.
Carrot – Rich in beta-carotene, supports skin health, and provides natural sweetness.
Cucumber – High in water content, replenishes electrolytes, and aids hydration.
Beetroot – Supports circulation, energy, and endurance.
Kale – Packed with iron and antioxidants to nourish the body.
Water – Essential for detox, hydration, and overall fasting support.
Avoid store-bought juices with added sugar, as they can spike insulin and disrupt fasting benefits.
Try our cold-pressed juice collection, carefully crafted for fasting support. Shop Now.
Juice vs. Water Fasting: Which is Better?
Many people wonder whether juice fasting is superior to water fasting. The choice depends on individual goals:

How to Structure Your Fasting Days
Here’s a simple way to incorporate juice into your fasting routine:
16:8 Fasting (Daily Fasting)
8 AM – Replace black coffee/water with a nutrient dense 330ml ‘Daily Greens’ juice
10 AM – Fuel the remainder of your morning with power packed sweet beets. Refuel is a delicious, vitamin packed juice.
Lunchtime –Break fast with a protein filled lunch.
Dinner – eat a balanced meal and then drink only water until bed.
- Wake up – Drink your 2 nutrient rich, tasty juices until lunch. Repeat daily!
5:2 Fasting (Two Low-Calorie Days Per Week)
On fasting days, you’ll consume five 250ml cold-pressed juices spread throughout the day, ensuring optimal nutrient intake while keeping calorie consumption controlled.
Morning – Daily Celery Juice on an empty stomach for hydration and gut health.
Mid-Morning – Ginger Shot to boost digestion and metabolism.
Midday – Brighten Juice (carrot-based) to provide natural sweetness and beta-carotene.
Afternoon – Green Recovery Juice (apple, lemon, spinach, parsley, cucumber, celery) for added vitamins and minerals.
Evening – Power Beetroot Juice (beetroot, carrot, apple) to support circulation and detoxification.
Late Evening – Lean Green Juice (apple, kale, cucumber, lemon) to maintain hydration and balance before fasting overnight.
This structure ensures you stay hydrated and energized while maintaining a controlled fasting window.
For the best results, try our Juice Fast Plans tailored for intermittent fasting. Explore the range.
Juice ‘Til Dinner Plan (Half Day Juicing)
Drink cold-pressed juice throughout the day
Have one balanced, whole-food meal in the evening
Ideal for those transitioning into intermittent fasting or who want to eat with family in the evening.
Learn more about our flexible fasting plans here.
Common Myths & Misconceptions
1. “Juice fasting means I can drink fruit juices all day.”
No! Stick to low-calorie vegetable-based juices to avoid blood sugar spikes.
2. “Juice will break my fast.”
Technically, anything with calories breaks a fast, but vegetable juice keeps insulin response minimal and digestion light.
3. “I’ll lose muscle if I juice fast.”
If you maintain sufficient protein intake on eating days and incorporate resistance training, muscle loss is unlikely.
Success Stories & Testimonials
“Switching to intermittent fasting with juice made fasting so much easier. I feel energized, hydrated, and never sluggish!” – Sarah, 35
“I struggled with water fasting, but juice fasting gave me the nutrients I needed while still seeing results.” – James, 42
How to Get Started
Ready to take your fasting to the next level? Here’s how to begin:
Pick Your Perfect Fasting Plan – Whether it’s 16:8, 5:2, or Juice ‘Til Dinner, find the method that fits your lifestyle.
Stock Up on Nutrient-Dense Juices – Prepare fresh juices in advance or let us do the work with our Cold-Pressed Juice Packs designed specifically for fasting.
Start Slow & Listen to Your Body – Begin with one juice fasting day per week and adjust as needed.
Stay Hydrated & Energised – Combine juices with herbal teas, water, and light movement to maximise benefits.
Why settle for ordinary when you can fuel your fasting with the best cold-pressed juices? Our expertly crafted blends provide the hydration, nutrients, and flavor you need to make fasting easier, healthier, and more enjoyable.
Start your fasting journey today with our premium Juice Fasting Plans! Order Now